recognises the significant benefits in employing a truly diverse workforce and is
committed to providing equal opportunities to both its existing, and future employees
in all aspects of their employment. The Company operates a zero-tolerance
approach to discrimination and will ensure that no job applicant or employee
receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender
reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and
civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity. BCEGI also seeks to embed a business
culture where the positive promotion of equality of opportunity is actively encouraged,
and will ensure the recruitment, training, and promotion of all individuals is based
on role requirements and their ability and merits.
Responsibility for this Policy ultimately lies
with the BCEGI Lead Director, supported by the Management Team and HR who are responsible
for the implementation of the Policy Statement and associated Management
Standards. Project leads, line managers and supervisors have direct
responsibility for enforcing this policy on a day-to-day basis. This Policy and
associated Management Standards are mandatory across all BCEGI operations and
as such all BCEGI employees are expected to comply with all related
This Policy
Statement and associated Management Standards are maintained within the BCEGI
Integrated Management Systems (iMS). These controls will be continually
reviewed and improved in line with the needs of the business, and to ensure
ongoing compliance with legislation and best practice. The Policy will be
brought to the attention of all new employees during induction and will be
available to all Employees via the BCEGI iMS. Compliance with this Policy
Statement will be regularly monitored through the BCEGI internal audit
programme, regular review of HR and business performance, monitoring of
incidents and via the BCEGI Management Review process.
Dongwen Yu
Lead Director
1st June